Monday, January 19, 2015


I've been wandering around blogland the past couple of evenings and discovered there are people who get a whole lot more done than I do. Some of the work is amazingly beautiful, daring, and painstakingly intricate.  Those pointy points meeting so precisely.  It's enough to make me want to break all of my needles and stop kidding myself.  Me?  I like a nap in the afternoon. So I guess that explains my non-productiveness.

   I have been working on quilting this baby quilt intended for a friend in France. I'm not much of a heart person but I thought this was sweet and adapted and combined it from two somethings I saw on Pinterest and after appliqueing these I've been finding myself pinning more hearts lately.  Never thought I'd see the day.

After an evening or two I have to let my under finger heal a bit before continuing so I started this little project.....

For years, we had this panel Santa stuffed pillow thing we put out at Christmas.  Santa is a bit spotted, faded, frayed and forgotten. He comes out of storage every year, sits propped in a corner somewhere and not thought of again till time to pack Christmas back up.  He was never even given a box.  Just kind of tossed in the attic with no regard.
    Along comes me this year, the one who is packing and purging.  I picked Santa up from the corner, I looked.  I looked.   My sentimental side was starting to speak.  I sat down in a chair with Santa and we talked.  I asked him if he wanted to stay.  He said he'd like to. He remembers a lot of Christmases. He sat in a corner and watched then all.  I asked if he would mind being transformed so he wouldn't have to sit in a forgotten corner but could actually maybe be a part of things.  He said he would like that. 
   Just then PH came in for more boxes and he saw me sitting with Santa.  I was purging broken, never used anymore ornaments and just stuff.  He knows the look on my face.  "Can Santa please stay?"  I said yes.  Santa and I had a talk. He can stay but he's going on a diet.
   I used the seam ripper.  I took the stuffing and tossed it.  Then I appliqued him to a green pinstripe fabric, matching exactly the front and the back.

I dug this out of my stash.  I love, love, love this 50's looking Santa fabric.  The Santa I remember from when I was a kid.  I was saving this for something special and decided it would make a nice border for the Santa my kids and grands remember sitting in the corner all these years.  Maybe now Santa will have the chance to be wrapped around someone's little body or maybe even on one of their beds.
    It's a good project to work on while my under finger heals from time to time.


  1. For someone with a sweet squishy sentimental marshmallow heart it's a surprise to me that you haven't liked them so much in the past! ;-) Dear Santa long may he remain in your heart and the hearts of many more to come along. Way to go on the almost purging.....but fabric and hand made items take up relatively little I don't know if you have heard of these things before but when I do appliqué I use a "sticky dot" that rests on my finger tip. It's a sticky backed plastic dot that I place on the tip of the finger just nestled behind my fingernail and it stops the needle piercing the skin BUT it still allows you full movement and to be able to feel the fabric. I could email you a pic if you are interested.

  2. Oh, it's just a perfect place for Santa! Long live Santa and your stash :)
